Manchester Airport
Airport Communications
119.550 - A.T.I.S.
121.300 – 239.025 Tower 324.3 old
121.900 – Ground
124.900 – 385.45 Approach / Departure (Manchester/Concord Area)
125.050 – 291.0 Approach / Departure (Seacoast Area)
127.350 – 385.45 Approach / Departure (Nashua Area)
134.750 – 305.4 Approach / Departure (Lakes Region)
125.825 - 395.8 Approach / Departure
118.800 – 363.8 Approach / Departure (Pease Transmitter) old
135.900 - Clearance Delivery Manchester
133.650 - Clearance Delivery Concord
132.325 - WX ASOS at CON (16 nm N): (603-224-6558)
136.750 - WX ASOS at LWM (19 nm SE): (978-687-8017)
153.740 / 703 Granite Operations F-1 Airfield Primary (158.940 input)
158.730 / 703 Granite Operations F-2 Secondary
152.375 / 703 Granite Operations F-3 Secondary (157.635 input)
152.375 / 411 Granite Operations F-4 Fire Dept Ops (157.635 input)
155.475 /136.5 Airport Police Secondary use
152.315 / 023 Airport Parking Services (157.575 input) National Garages
154.540 /151.4 Airport Parking Services (Tow Trucks and Plow trucks)
154.600 /103.5 Airport Parking Services inactive
131.025 - Business Express Air-Ground Business Freq
130.950 - CommAir (Delta) Air-Ground Business Freq
130.150 - Continental Air-Ground Business Primary Freq
131.500 - Continental Air-Ground Business Secondary
464.500 / 127.3 - Continental Airlines Airport Ops
460.800 - Continental Airlines Licensed
131.925 - FedEx Air-Ground Business Freq
131.325 - Southwest Air-Ground Business Freq
131.950 - Southwest Airlines new
452.4875/ 165 - Southwest Airlines Airport Ops
462.3125/ Southwest Airlines
129.425 - U.P.S. Air-Ground Business Freq
151.7150 / 118.8 - U.P.S. Airport Ops
130.000 - U.S.Airways Air-Ground Business Freq
460.7000 / 107.2 - U.S.Airways Airport Ops
460.7250 / 203.5 - United Airlines Airport Ops
122.950 - Wiggins Aviation
461.1375/ 051 - Wiggins Aviation (provides fuel and Maint)
464.3375 - BOYD, LEONARD
451.2875 Wiggins
information provided by Scott C. Rice, N1PJZ